2025-02-10 ▲
Seminar talk at the Department of Sociology at the University of Texas, Austin. Methods To Measure All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in Places Without Vital Statistics Systems.
2024-09-30 ▲
A brief presentation of the Reference Death Archive implementation.
2024-08-09 ▲
University of São Paulo Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, São Paulo, Brazil. InSilicoVA - An Algorithm for Automated COD Classification using Verbal Autopsy Data.
2024-06-20 ▲
BIOMATH 2024, Scottburgh, South Africa. Data Science and Math in Global Health: Two Examples.
2024-02-05 ▲
Office of Population Research (OPR), Princeton University. InSilicoVA - An Algorithm for Automated COD Classification using Verbal Autopsy Data.
2023-10-04 ▲
Brief presentation on the pathology-augmented Reference Death Archive that we are building with WHO, the city of São Paulo mortality surveillance service (SVO), CHAMPS, COMSA, the MITS Alliance, and hopefully many more partners soon. Presented at the MITS Alliance annual meeting in Nairobi. The MITS (minimally-invasive tissue sample) Alliance is a group that coordinates sites around the world collecting MITS and doing verbal autopsy. Reference Death Archive.
2023-09-12 ▲
Notestein Seminar talk, Office of Population Research (OPR), Princeton University. Multi-disciplinary Data Science to Improve Global Health: Verbal Autopsy.
2023-09-07 ▲
The National Academy of Sciences Committee on Population organized a workshop to elicit recommendations for future research on aging in lower and middle-income countries. The workshop was supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Data and Methods for Chronic Diseases of Aging.
2023-08-08 ▲
The openVA Team and close collaborators organized a workshop to present the GUI-driven Python openVA software that the openVA Team developed. The workshop was supported by Vital Strategies and CDC Foundation and happened in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania August 8-10, 2023. Python openVA Workshop.
2023-04-14 ▲
PAA 2023 talk presented by Yue Chu on verbal autopsy results from ALPHA Network health and demographic surveillance system sites in session 206 - Mortality in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Temporal Changes in Cause of Death Among Adults in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Multi-country Cohort Study Using Verbal Autopsy Data.
2022-09-02 ▲
Talk at workshop "Climbing Mortality Models" hosted at Misurna, Italy by four Italian universities as part of their collaboration studying mortality. SVD-derived Life Tables indexed by Child Mortality.
2022-08-05 ▲
Talk at annual meeting of the Brazilian Society of Pathology at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. O papel da autópsia verbal e da autópsia minimamente invasiva na determinação da causa de morte - Verbal autopsy and minimally-invasive tissue sampling for cause of death.
2022-05-09 ▲
PAA 2022 talk on SVD-Comp mortality model work in session 41 - Statistical Modeling and Smoothing in Demography: Application of a Singular Value Decomposition-Based Factorization and Parsimonious-Component Model of Mortality to HIV Epidemics in Africa.
Other papers in PAA 2022:
- Session 116 - Early Life Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Sibling Mortality in Developing Countries: A Cross-Regional Analysis of Shared Mortality Risk.
- Session 51 - Child Health: Spillover and Spatial Effects: The Timing of Sibling Mortality in the Widespread Antiretroviral Treatment Era: Comparative Evidence From Population-Based Surveillance in Rural South Africa, 2000–2015.
2022-02-10 ▲
Talk at the Carolina Population Center (CPC) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Population Sciences: Global Challenges and Opportunities.
2021-10-01 ▲
Discussant at the 16th annual De Jong Lecture in Social Demography at Penn State. Hans Peter-Peter Kohler is the featured speaker. My slides: Discussant’s Remarks - Global Population Studies: Shaping the Future
2021-04-08 ▲
Talk at the Population Studies Group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Demography, Epidemiology, and Statistics: What's Next?
2021-03-24 ▲
Invited talk at the 'Berlin Demography Days, 2021' sponsored by Population Europe. Global Population Studies in the 21st Century: Priorities Challenges - Mortality
2020-04-07 ▲
Invited talk at United Nations Population Division (UNPD) Experts' Group Meeting '2020 Methods for the World Population Prospects 2021 and Beyond'. SVD Component Mortality Model
Earlier ▲
See CV for a selected list of earlier talks.